St Peter's Syro Malankara

Daughters of Mary


Every member of the Congregation is called to “ be pure and poor to contemplate, witness and proclaim the Word Incarnate for the Kingdom of God.”


Our mission is to prepare the hearts of people to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and to welcome non-Catholic brethren into the full communion. Our mission is lived and expressed in a diversity of apostolates among the marginalized poor especially to women and children through home visits. parish and faith formation, education, health care and several social welfares activities according to the need of the people.


The vision of the congregation is that the people of God are led to the Kingdom of God through ever-greater unity and freedom, characteristic of the Children of God.

Currently, the Congregation has over 1000 professed sisters and 192 convents, serving in India and abroad; Italy, Germany, the United States and Tanzania, Africa. On November 14, 2021, a new DM Convent was established at Houston, Texas by Most Rev. Dr. Philipos Mar Stephanos, Bishop of Malankara Catholic Eparchy of USA and Canada. It is associated with St. Peters’ Malankara Catholic Church, Houston and the community were waiting for the ministry of Rev Sisters.  Rev. Sr. Shanti Purayidathil DM and Rev.Sr. Sevana Jose DM are the members of the convent. Parish ministry including serving as Eucharistic ministers, house visiting, catechism, preparation for First Holy Communion and Malankara Catholic Initiation, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), youth ministry, visiting the sick, counselling for mothers are the main activities of the sisters. Besides, they work as RN in the hospital.

Rev. Sr. Shanti Puryadithil DM 724 219 8492

Rev. Sr. Sevana Jose Nediyakkal DM 734 853 0702


DM Convent,

2523 Bedrock Ln. Missouri city, Tx 77489